Wednesday 23 September 2020

What Does This Mean For Blogging in 2020?


In the year ahead, blogging will experience the full benefits of AI (Artificial Intelligence) while returning to its long story-telling origins. Whether your blog is aimed at attracting new subscribers or be the ultimate information source in your industry, these are what will happen and changes you can look forward to in the year ahead.

As one of the first technologies to hit the web in its infancy, social media was originally used as a means of sharing information and communicating with your friends through social networks. As this evolved, however, blogs were quickly discovered and started posting content online. Today, social media plays such a prominent role in marketing and business that blogging is often considered just another tool.

This is not to say, however, that search engines and social networks have become stagnant. Google+ is still a mainstay in the search results, Facebook continues to grow every day, and Twitter is a great place to advertise. While social media has certainly changed the way we interact with our friends and family, it is still considered by many to be a "second nature" to us today, something we do naturally without even thinking about it.

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 This doesn't mean, however, that bloggers aren't making use of new technology. There are now more social media widgets out there than ever before, and more than ever we are seeing new platforms and new ways for bloggers to connect and promote themselves. With all the options and new ways to do things, this means that more blogs will be making use of social media to promote themselves and their brands.

Blogging in 2020 will feature two major changes: First, the focus will shift from solely being a source for personal and informational content to being a brand. The more that bloggers can showcase their expertise and the larger they can reach, the more successful they will be at reaching the consumers they're trying to reach. This will result in a variety of new methods of marketing, including video and blog commenting. In addition to this, marketers will try to include social networking and other forms of media in their blogs, including Twitter and Facebook, so they can reach more potential audience.

So what does this mean for bloggers? It means more blogging, but also more opportunity to get your brand out there. It means that you can make more money online, so it's worth taking full advantage of it and making the most of the new technology around.

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